Free Registration

When: August 1, 4:00 PM-5:00 PM EST

Topic: TBD

Speaker: TBD

Guest Speaker: TBD

Cost: FREE

Registrants are welcome to submit topics/questions in advance that we will try to address during the program or thereafter.

Next Episode: Coming August 2024

Stay tuned for our upcoming webinar episode. 

Join us monthly for lively and insightful Government Contracts Topics:

  • Free Admission
  • Educational Webinar
  • Networking Opportunity
  • Interactive Format with Q&A portion

Meet the Host

Managing Partner

Barbara Kinosky

Barbara Kinosky, Esq., is the Managing Partner of Centre Law & Consulting and a highly experienced professional with over thirty years of representing clients in various federal government contracting issues, disputes, and protests. Barbara has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to federal government contracting and was voted into the American Bar Foundation as a Fellow, an honor limited to the top 1% of licensed attorneys. Barbara Kinosky is a nationally renowned speaker, author, expert witness, and AAA Arbitrator specializing in complex prime subcontractor disputes. She is an exclusive contributing author for Bloomberg, invited by invitation only. Barbara Kinosky has been consistently recognized as a top attorney for federal contracting by Smart CEO magazine. Her expertise is further validated by her Top Secret Security Clearance. Prior to establishing Centre Law & Consulting, Barbara led a government contracts practice group at a major law firm.