• This course closed on 12/12/2023.

Unlock the potential of joint ventures in federal contracting. Gain a thorough understanding of SBA and FAR joint venture requirements, explore strategies for forming successful partnerships, and harness the combined capabilities of your business and strategic allies to win contracts that may be out of reach if pursued individually.

  1. Introduction and Objectives
    • Emphasize the importance of understanding SBA and FAR rules regarding the formation and use of joint ventures in federal contracting.
  2. Overview of  Joint Ventures
    • Explain the concept and benefits, along with the risks and downside, of small business using joint ventures in federal contracting.
    • Discuss the role of SBA in overseeing and regulating certain types of joint ventures.
  3. Eligibility and Requirements for  Joint Ventures
    • Provide guidance on the eligibility criteria for participating in SBA joint ventures.
    • Explain the specific requirements and documentation needed to form a joint venture.
    • Clarify the compliance obligations and reporting responsibilities for joint venture participants.
  4. Establishing and Managing  Joint Ventures
    • Discuss the key steps involved in forming a  joint venture.
    • Address considerations for selecting and partnering with other businesses.
    • Share best practices for managing joint ventures and ensuring their success.
  5. Leveraging  Joint Ventures for Contract Opportunities
    • Explore strategies for leveraging joint ventures to pursue and win federal contracts.
    • Discuss the advantages and increased competitiveness offered by joint ventures.
  6. Case Studies and Practical Guidance
    • Present real-life case studies of successful and unsuccessful  joint ventures
    • Share practical guidance and lessons learned from experienced practitioners.
    • Facilitate discussions and exercises to enhance understanding and application of joint venture principles.
  7. Q&A Session
    • Participants will have ample time to ask questions and seek clarification on joint venture-related topics.


Course Instructor

Aria Rahmati Author


Virtually Led







This course does not have any sections.