May 1st: Bid Protests Winning and Losing


Learn why Bid Protests occur and the steps you can take to prevent them. Bid protests have become a regular feature of government contracting.  Experienced contractors know that understanding how bid protests work—both the process and the substantive issues—is essential to maximizing their competitive positions.  This is true when deciding if, and when, to protest, and knowing how to participate in a protest to help protect a contract award.  This webinar, taught by two government contract attorneys with protest experience, will provide a comprehensive look at bid protests. 


Wednesday, May 1st 1:-3:00PM 

Learn why Bid Protests occur and the steps you can take to prevent them. Bid protests have become a regular feature of government contracting.  Experienced contractors know that understanding how bid protests work—both the process and the substantive issues—is essential to maximizing their competitive positions.  This is true when deciding if, and when, to protest, and knowing how to participate in a protest to help protect a contract award.  This webinar, taught by two government contract attorneys with protest experience, will provide a comprehensive look at bid protests. 

Course Topics Include: 

  • Where to protest: Agency level protest vs. GAO vs. US Court of Federal Claims: pros and cons at each forum 
  • What can and cannot be protested, and when 
  • Making the decision to protest—legal and business factors to consider 
  • What to expect in a protest—walking through the process 
  • Intervening in a protest: options when another contractor protests the RFP, or protests your award 

Additional information

Course Type

Virtually Led, On-Demand