Verified Products Portal (VPP) Implementation
by Victoria Tollossa
GSA Alerts
GSA recently developed the Verified Products Portal (VPP), for manufacturers and wholesalers to provide product content for commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) products. This system collects and displays authorized supplier information directly from the participating manufacturers and wholesalers with source files of product images, product videos, and pdf documents and manuals, including standardized manufacturer names, part numbers, and product specifications.
The product and supplier data provided will be used to identify prohibited products and standardize contractor catalogs, ensuring products with VPP coverage are accurately represented. This will allow participating manufacturers and wholesalers to control how their products appear in GSA e-commerce platforms, ensuring product accuracy from the source suppliers. The GSA acquisition workforce is required to review VPP data to determine vendor authorization status when making determinations about new offers, modifications, and contract options. When vendors seek to add products to their schedule, the acquisition workforce will check this system, and then notify vendors regarding products that require a Letter of Supply (LOS), because the VPP data does not exist. The VPP is completely voluntary, with no cost for manufacturers or wholesalers to participate.
For assistance with the Verified Products Portal, please contact the Centre Consulting Team.