Labor Day Reflections: The Fine Line Between Hustle and Hassle

by Barbara Kinosky, Managing Partner

  • Centre News

Since it is almost Labor Day, I am sharing a great line from Maya Angelou,  “nothing will work unless you do.”  

And speaking of work, to those of you who work at trying to get on my calendar to sell me products and services I don’t want or need, let’s take a short breather from each other. I did ask one coach who managed to get through my office phone deflector shields, if he had grown his business to over $100 million dollars.  He answered, “no”.  I said, “when you do, then you can call me, otherwise I am reporting you to the FTC.” 

Do all of you get book offers, chances to be on TV, or featured prominently in some magazine or win an award? I do. I can even be featured in “Top Colorado DUI attorneys” even though I am not in Colorado, and I only represent federal government contractors, some of whom may need a DUI attorney.  But I never ask anyone that question.  

In the meantime, I can work on boosting my profile with expert profile boosters who will help me bring on more clients.  Thousands of new clients, if only I would buy their client booster package now for a low Labor Day price.  I can even become a “supercharged influencer”.  

I am not sure when I can work with so many new clients, because I will be too busy writing that book, appearing on TV, redoing my online bio, revamping our website and spending just 15 minutes in a quick call that I can hop or jump onto in their calendar link.  Lots and lots of hopping and jumping. That might leave me breathless when I have so many interviews to do since I am an expert at so many things and so many people want to interview me so I can be quoted in so many articles, publications and books.  I may need to take a break and buy that time share at the new reduced price. 

 So happy Labor Day all.  If you need a DUI attorney in Colorado, it ain’t me.