Breaking: ITSSS-2 Awards Unveiled Amidst Protests & Policy Shifts...

by Barbara Kinosky, Managing Partner

  • Government Contracting, News Insights

Congratulations to all the ITSSS-2 awardees. Awards were made to 95 companies. This contract will be the main vehicle for the FBI to purchase a wide range of IT products and services.  The FBI split awards between 31 full-and-open winners and 64 small businesses. A complete list of awardees is on SAM.

Protests to follow, of that, I am sure. 

Speaking of which, protests over the Veteran’s Affairs T4NG2 contract awards keep growing.  I believe the last count was 20 protests. Centre is representing two of the protesters.  It does not look like this will be resolved anytime soon.   

Reminder to all SDVOSBs. The U.S. Small Business Administration issued a rule ending self-certification for service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses, or SDVOSBs, amid ongoing concerns about fraud in veteran-owned contracting programs. 

Under the new rule, companies that currently self-certify as SDVOSBs will no longer count toward agencies’ small business contracting goals unless they seek formal certification, the SBA said. Subcontracts awarded to self-certified SDVOSBs will also no longer count toward prime contractors’ subcontracting goals, according to the SBA. 

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs where we discuss further updates pertaining to ITSSS-2, protests and contract awards.